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An iOS SDK for the SeatGeek Web Service

seatgeek open sourced seatgeek/SGAPI
The SG Api SDK for iOS

The SeatGeek Platform provides a web service for our massive database of live events, venues, and performers. If you want to build live event information into your app or website the SeatGeek Platform is the best way to do it. Until now, if you wanted to use it in an iOS app you had to handle all of the awkward network requests and response processing yourself. With today’s release we’ve made that a whole lot easier.

Since the first release of our iOS app we’ve been gradually evolving a handful of libraries to manage communicating with our API, progressively abstracting away the messy details so we can focus on writing features. Today’s CocoaPod release is that code, in the same form as we use it ourselves. The first line in our app’s Podfile is:

pod 'SGAPI'

Fetching and Inspecting Results

The SeatGeek Platform is all about events, venues, and performers, so the same is true of the iOS SDK. Individual result items are encapsulated in SGEvent, SGVenue, and SGPerformer objects, and query result sets are fetched with SGEventSet, SGVenueSet, and SGPerformerSet objects.


// find all 'new york mets' events
SGEventSet *events = SGEventSet.eventsSet; = @"new york mets";

events.onPageLoaded = ^(NSOrderedSet *results) {
    for (SGEvent *event in results) {
        NSLog(@"event: %@", event.title);

[events fetchNextPage];


// find all 'new york mets' events
let events = SGEventSet.eventsSet() = "new york mets"

events.onPageLoaded = { results in
    for i in 0..<results.count {
        let event = results.objectAtIndex(i) as SGEvent
        NSLog("%@", event.title())



New York Mets at San Diego Padres
New York Mets at Seattle Mariners
... etc

Query Building

SGAPI uses SGQuery to build all its URLs. If you’d prefer to use your own data models or HTTP request classes and just want a tidy way to build API queries, then SGQuery is what you’re looking for.


SGQuery *query = SGQuery.eventsQuery;
[query addFilter:@"" value:@"sports"]; = @"new york";

NSLog(@"%@", query.URL);


let query = SGQuery.eventsQuery()
query.addFilter("", value: "sports") = "new york"

NSLog("%@", query.URL())


Additionally, every item set (SGEventSet etc) has a query property which you can modify directly to add filters and parameters, change perPage and page values, etc.


See the documentation on GitHub and CocoaDocs for more details. If anything doesn’t make sense or could be improved, let us know. We’ll be evolving the SDK over time, and are looking forward to seeing how you make use of it!

Improving the Search-by-price Experience

A slider for React

A few months ago we launched the Omnibox, a single reconfigurable ticket-buying interface that replaced our old static listings and a thicket of popup windows. The Omnibox is written entirely in React, Facebook’s new user interface framework, and in doing this we had to come up with our own solutions to user interface elements and innovate where we could.

One of the products of our work on the Omnibox was a price slider component, which allows users to filter tickets by price: Price filter example

But for an event with large price ranges - the Super Bowl, for example - a simple linear slider would be unwieldy. Tickets are likely sparsely populated across the full domain of prices and, more importantly, users are far more interested in lower-priced tickets than the exorbitantly priced ones.

We solved this problem with two features of the slider: firstly, the upper limit of the price slider was truncated to the 90th percentile of ticket prices, and only dragging the slider handle to its right end will reveal all tickets greater than that price:

Price slider dragged to the right shows tickets exist above that price

Secondly, the slider’s scale is no longer assumed to be linear. The implementation currently deployed on the SeatGeek site positions the slider on the horizontal axis using the square root function, making lower prices take up more space than the less-desirable higher-priced tickets.

Non-linear price slider demonstration

Today we’re happy to open source this two-handled slider implementation written in React; it has no dependencies other than React itself.

Open Sourcing Our Admin Panel

The first version of the SeatGeek Dev Challenge. Crack open the beers.

In a land before time, SeatGeek created an extremely hackable admin panel. Its primary purpose was to stir the curiosity of developers who might be looking for a new job. You can read more about it in this previous post.

While the response over the years to the dev challenge was great, we retired the dev challenge over a year ago. Please stop trying to hack into our backend! (If you do happen to be hacking our website, we’d appreciate a heads-up on any vulnerabilities you find at Responsible disclosure and whatnot.

In order to cater to the curious, I took the opportunity to open source the dev challenge. It’s a small Sinatra app that you can run locally and hack to your heart’s content.

A few notes about the panel:

  • Configuration is done using environment variables with a few sane defaults.
  • You’ll need a local SMTP server to send email notifications of new applicants. We used postfix at the time, but you can use whatever you’d like.
  • Applicant resumes are stored on disk. Yes, we know, there are probably better ways than what we did, but since the box was in a DMZ, it was probably okay. Not like we weren’t trying to have you hack us anyhow.
  • Ruby 1.9.3 is what we used to deploy—actually 1.9.1 at the time, but it works with 1.9.3—but no guarantees that it will work with a newer Ruby. Pull requests welcome!

We’d like to thank all the thousands of developers who have hacked our backend over the years. Don’t worry, we’ll have a new challenge soon.

In the meantime, we’re still hiring engineers.

Spatial Data Structures for Better Map Interactions

Last week we launched a feature that even the most die-hard SeatGeek fans probably didn’t notice. However, we think that this feature makes a huge difference in usability and overall user experience, even if only at a subconscious level. You can now interact with the section and row shapes themselves, rather than just section/row markers.

For anyone not familar with our maps, here is an example of what one looks like:

Map example

Each of those markers represents a ticket or a group of tickets in that section. Until recently, all of the map interactions revolved around those markers. In order to find out more about the tickets in a section or row, the user would have to hover or click on the marker itself.

Fitts’s Law

One major concept in human-computer interaction is Fitts’s Law. Fitts’s law models the time it takes for a user to move a pointing device (e.g. cursor) over an object. In order to decrease the time to select an object, one can do one of two things: decrease the distance between the cursor and the object, or increase the size of the object. On SeatGeek’s maps we are constrained by the layout of venues, so our only option is to increase the marker size.

The natural way to increase the target area of a marker is to expand it to the shape of its section. However, it turns out this isn’t straightforward.

How Our Map Pages Work

First, a little background on how our map pages work. We use an excellent library, Leaflet, as the foundation for our interactive maps. The maps themselves start out as vector files. These are then rasterized into a bunch of tiles, such as this:

Example of a tile

Leaflet handles the logic for mouse interactions and displaying the correct tiles depending on the current view. The markers are a custom Leaflet layer (for performance reasons, but that is a whole other blog post). Then, we overlay a vector path as an SVG layer when a marker is either hovered or clicked.

SVG Highlighting

First Attempt at Section Interaction

A while back, when we first implemented our current style of maps, we considered adding polygon interaction instead of just using the markers. Given that we had the SVG paths of all of the shapes for the highlighting purposes, we decided to add all of these SVG elements to the map so that we could use the built-in event handling that browsers provide.

Unfortunately, that resulted in terrible performance on the map page. At the row level, we can have as many as a few thousand SVG elements being drawn at the same time. Combine that with all the markers we have to draw, and the map grinds to a halt. We decided to shelve the section interaction and move on to other features.

A Renewed Attempt

With the launch of our new map design, called the Omnibox, click and hover interactions became much more central to the interface.

The breakthrough was realizing that we could implement our own logic for hit-testing, or checking if a given mouse position is inside of a polygon. This means we didn’t have to add any additional elements to the DOM (like we did before with the SVG elements).

The naive approach would be to iterate through every polygon and check if the mouse is inside it using the ray casting algorithm.

However, we can do even better. By using a spatial data structure, such as an R-Tree, we can reduce the lookup complexity from linear to logarithmic. Below is an example of a 2D R-Tree. Imagine that the lowest level of the tree contains references to the actual polygons. Each node in the tree represents a bounding box that is the union of all the children below it in the tree.

R-Tree Example

Luckily enough, we were able to find a leaflet-compatible implementation of an R-Tree by Calvin Metcalf. Basically our use of it looks like this:

  1. On page load, convert all of the SVG shapes to geoJSON and insert into the R-Tree.
  2. On mouse events, transform the mouse position to the map coordinate system and make a throttled call to our intersection testing function.
  3. Call a search on the R-Tree with the transformed position of the mouse.
  4. The R-Tree will return a list of all the leaves (shapes) whose bounding boxes had been intersected.
  5. Iterate through the shapes and perform the ray casting algorithm to check for intersection.
  6. Return the intersected shape.


The user can now hover over any point in the polygon, instead of just the marker! It works on sections:

And it works on rows:

Most importantly, all of this works without any impact on performance.

Event Pages Through the Ages

If you think about SeatGeek like we do, then in your head you probably picture an event page. You know, the page that has the venue map, the colorful dots, and the big list of tickets from all over the web, ranked by Deal Score. All the best reasons to know & love SeatGeek are encapsulated in this one single page. And it is not only the functional core of SeatGeek, it’s also our most highly-trafficked page type.

With so much riding on the event page, we’re constantly working on incremental and under-the-hood improvements. We normally avoid committing obvious, disruptive changes, but a few times in SeatGeek’s history we’ve launched major redesigns of our event page—the most recent of which happened earlier today.

Here I’ll give an overview of the latest changes and, for posterity, a quick tour through earlier SeatGeek event page history.

Today’s release


In the year and a half since we launched the last major version of the event page we started making mobile apps. Designing for mobile devices forced us to reconsider the SeatGeek experience from scratch, and once we launched our apps—in particular our iPad app—they became new sources of inspiration for the website. For example, we began to think much harder about conservation of screen real estate.

Internally, today’s milestone inherited the name “Omnibox” from an eponymous Google feature. Not Chrome’s address bar, but rather a more obscure reference to a CSS class found in the new Google Maps’ control panel. Although many people have griped about Google Maps’ recent update, we admired the idea of having a single page element whose content could change based on interactions with the underlying map.

What changed

In the main sidebar, we swapped our large, color-filled section headers and deal score labels for more elegant circles and lines that more closely resemble our latest iOS designs. We also moved the filter controls and box office link from the top of the sidebar to the bottom. The result is that ticket listings get higher precendence on the page.

Old sidebar vs. new sidebar, side by side

The new version of the section info view (below, on the right) looks very similar to the old, with the notable exception that it doesn’t appear in a popover overlaid on the map, but rather in the sidebar. Popovers had a lot of annoying characteristics, not least of which was that they were starting to feel decidedly web-1.0-y. As an added bonus, under the new sidebar scheme, it’s now possible to apply search filters to tickets within individual sections.

Section Info view, side by side

If you can believe it, the old version of the ticket info view (below, on the left) was actually a second popover that appeared beside the first popover containing section info. Now that all this information is in the sidebar, the map won’t get cluttered (which was especially problematic on smaller viewports), and the ticket details are much more legible.

Ticket Info view, side by side

Last but not least, we moved the old event info bar (seen in the top half of the image below) into the site header. This frees up more space for the venue map. In order to make room for event info in the new site header, we consolidated the category page links (i.e. “MLB”, “NFL”, etc.) into a dropdown off the main SeatGeek logo.

Event info

To really get a feel for the wonders of the new event page, you should really check it out. Go try a search, or check out one of these random event pages.

Earlier event pages

Here we take a walk down memory lane, through the annals of SeatGeek event page history. We’ll begin with the very first 2009-era event page before venue maps even existed and end on today’s latest event page release, ten notable iterations later.

Full disclosure: there’s a gratuitous, self-indulgent number of screenshots ahead. Only the most obsessive SeatGeek fans need read any further.

#1 The original SeatGeek event page was launched—along with SeatGeek itself—in September 2009. It contained no venue maps. SeatGeek was all about price forecasting, and making recommendations about whether to buy a ticket now, or wait to buy. If you wanted to buy, there was a table of tickets from various sellers, sorted by price.


#2 In early 2010, SeatGeek licensed the rights to use venue maps, provided by a third party named SeatQuest (now defunct). According to engineer #1, working with SeatQuest maps was reportedly a nightmare.


#3 Before long, ticket listings and venue maps started stealing screen real estate away from the price forecast part of the page.


#4 The event page’s first major redesign happened in Summer 2010.


#5 Soon after the Summer 2010 redesign, we scrapped SeatQuest in favor of our own venue maps, which should look a lot more familiar to current SeatGeek users. Also worth pointing out that by now the price forecast feature is relegated to a small-ish button area above the map, and restricted to signed-in users.


#6 Sometime in early 2011, we made the long-standing switch from a lefty sidebar to a righty—a change that would persist all the way until yesterday.


#7 In mid/late 2011, we redesigned the site again. Note the dark blue primary colors, and the new styling for the sidebar.


#8 In the first half of 2012, the dark blue from the previous version softened into the lighter SeatGeek blue of today.


#9 This update featured some new sidebar styling and abolished the permanently overlaid search bar in favor of a more compact event info bar. This version reigned supreme from Fall 2012 all the way until March 12, 2014.


#10 Omnibox: The cleanest SG event page yet. (Note the lefty sidebar, a clear throwback to the year 2010.)


Celebrating Valentine’s Day Late with Some iPad Love

Back in December, we released an epic update to our iOS app that featured tons of big additions and improvements for iPhones. But this time, it’s all about the iPad.*

This is much more than just a quick catch-up release. We took stock of all the additions from v2.0 for iPhone, and thought holistically about what the ideal experience for each one would be like on a tablet. So, iPad users, sorry about the wait. But we think you’ll find that it was well worth it.

* Well, technically it’s not all about the iPad. We also made a few UI tweaks to the iPhone app, and added a “Recent Search” list to both apps so you don’t have to keep typing the same things over and over again. Anyway, the rest of this blog post is focused on big, new iPad features.

Demo time

Like gifs? Great! Here’s one:

iPad demo gif

If that was too fast for you, we’ve also got a few higher-res screenshots that you can inspect more closely down below. But to really get the best feel for the new app, we’d strongly suggest installing it now →

Logging In

Now that you can log in (you couldn’t before), we can remember things for you – like artists, teams, and events that you’re tracking. Later, when you’re logged in to SeatGeek somewhere else like on your laptop or your iPhone, you’ll have access to all the same preferences.

You can log in with a SeatGeek account or a Facebook account. (One nice thing about Facebook accounts is that we can help you automatically track performers for you if you’ve already liked them on FB.)

Log-in modal screenshot


As noted above, you can now track artists, teams, and events right in the app. Tracked items are easily accessible in your new My Events and My Performers screens. We’ll even send you reminders when new shows are announced or when a tracked event is approaching. Plus, now that we know a bit more about what you like, our event recommendations for you will get better and better.

Here’s what the My Performers screen looks like:

My Performers screen

To track an event, just tap the heart in the corner of any event screen:

Event view with heart

What! JT’s coming to town?!

Push notification screenshot

Redesigned Home Screen

We thought to ourselves why bother making an update if you can’t tell the difference right away? So we also added some new hotness to the home screen:

New home screen

Tapping the Explore area near the bottom lets you browse all upcoming events near you:

New explore view

Go get it

Now that you know what’s in store for you, all that’s left is to hit the App Store to make sure you’re running the latest version.

As always, we hope you like it and will let us know if you find bugs or have any cool ideas.

It’s Business Time

A simple python utility for calculating business time aware timedeltas between two datetimes

Earlier this week we released businesstime, a simple python library for doing math with datetimes that’s aware of weekends, holidays and business hours. We’re using it to more accurately calculate shipping costs for tickets listed on SeatGeek.

Here’s a quick demo of how it works:

>>> datetime(2013, 12, 26, 5) - datetime(2013, 12, 23, 12)
datetime.timedelta(2, 61200)
>>> bt = businesstime.BusinessTime(holidays=businesstime.USFederalHolidays())
>>> bt.businesstimedelta(datetime(2013, 12, 23, 12), datetime(2013, 12, 26, 5))
datetime.timedelta(1, 18000)

You can grab it on pypi or checkout the code on github. We hope you find it useful!

SeatGeek for Android 1.2, Ready for Update

Earlier this week we shipped version 1.2 of our now two-month-old Android app. There were a few main focuses for this release:

Tablet support. Whereas the previous version was built for smartphones only, the new release extends support to all the popular 7- and 10-inch Android tablets. (This one’s for you, Nexus 7 and Galaxy Tab owners.)

Landscape support. When the app was smartphone-only we could get away with only building for portrait, but tablet users sure do love to hold their devices sideways. So you’ll find that 1.2 supports landscape mode – for both smartphones and tablets.

Landcape mode on a 10-inch tablet

Performance & stability. Since version 1.0 launched, we’ve kept a close eye on app reviews and error logs, tweaked the internals, squashed some bugs, and cured as many crashes as we could diagnose. The result is that the latest version should run fast and smooth.

We’ve also added support for deep-linking. If you’re a developer or an API partner looking to refer app users to SeatGeek, you’ll find the relevant docs at

And, last but not least, we’ve stepped up our game with a new, more Android-esque app icon:

New SeatGeek for Android app icon

If you haven’t already, hit the Play Store now to get yourself a fresh copy of the app. And be sure to let us know what you think.

Cross-Event Search

Cross-Event Search header

Today we’re excited to announce the public launch of Cross-Event Search, a new feature that helps users find the best tickets across multiple events at once.

Suppose you live in NYC and want to see what all the Book of Mormon hype is about. You want to go to whatever upcoming show is cheapest. With Cross-Event Search you can see the listings for all future performances (over 400 events!) in a single UI. Here’s the live page for that search.

The ability to search for & compare tickets for more than one event at once is not only a SeatGeek first, but also – to our knowledge – a ticketing first.

When to use it

Cross-Event Search comes in handy when you have more than one chance to see an event and – rather than pick solely by date – you prefer to choose based on which event has the lowest price, the closest seats, or the best deal.

The basic formula is: one performer + one venue + multiple events.

In addition to the Book of Mormon example above, here are a few more common use cases:

  • Home games: The Giants’ season is underway and you want to take advantage of some nice San Francisco weather and a 9-game home stand with a group of friends. You don’t care who they’re playing — you just want to get into the park and have plenty of money left over for beer & hotdogs. This page compares all Giants’ home games in the first two weeks in June.
  • Back-to-back concerts: Jay-Z has graced your local arena with multiple nights of concerts. Tickets originally sold out in minutes, but you’re sure there must be at least one show on SeatGeek with a great deal.

How to use it

To start Cross-Event Searching, visit any performer page on SeatGeek and click the Compare Events button. (This will work for any major sports team, music artist, theater show, etc.)

Step 1

Check the boxes next to the events that you want to include in your ticket search, and click the green Compare N Events button. (You’ll also be able to change your selections on the next page.)

Step 2

Next you’ll be taken to a regular-looking SeatGeek event page, where the venue map & sidebar will be populated with ticket listings from all your selected events.

Deal Scores for each event are indexed to the same scale, so you can browse for tickets just as you would normally. In other words, an 89 on one night is still a better deal than a 79 on another night. (See also: Absolute Deal Score.)

Step 3

To adjust which events are included in your search, click the Comparing tickets for… button at the top of your event page and check or uncheck boxes next to a few more events.

Step 4

Finally live

As many patient SG feature-requesters can attest, Cross-Event Search has been a long time coming. Historically, our underlying software was not structured to support queries like this. But that changed in June 2013 with a first place-winning SeatGeek hackathon project named “Sandcrab,” which paved the way for Cross-Event Search.

We’re pumped to release this feature into the wild. As with everything we build, please, please hit us up with feedback.

FanSnap is Now Part of SeatGeek

We’re thrilled to announce that we have acquired FanSnap from its parent company, Wize Commerce, and have integrated it into

A Bit of History

When we started SeatGeek in 2009, FanSnap’s incumbency cast quite a shadow on us. They were two years old at that point, with a formidable team, an impressive set of advisors, and more than $15 million in venture financing. We had an idea and a couple of laptops.

Then, as now, we had great respect for the FanSnap team and what they built. FanSnap helped make ticket search a thing. They introduced users to the benefit of seeing multiple ticket sellers on the same screen, showing just how often the secondary market can have the best deal for any game or show.

In the years since, we assembled an incredible team and built what we hope you’ll agree is the best event and ticket site on the web. When we were given the opportunity to purchase FanSnap—a company with a nearly identical mission to ours—we jumped at the opportunity.

For FanSnap Users: The Transition

We’ll be sunsetting the FanSnap website and redirecting all FanSnap pages to analogous pages on SeatGeek. For example, now directs to So any bookmarks you have will work automatically, and any FanSnap links you find floating around the web will seamlessly take you to the correct page on SeatGeek. Merging FanSnap into SeatGeek lets us remain laser-focused on giving everyone the best experience on a single website rather than splitting our efforts across two sites.

We think loyal FanSnap users formerly unacquainted with SeatGeek will be pleasantly surprised by their new home. All the tickets available on FanSnap (and a few that aren’t) are also available here. Plus, we’ve got some extra stuff for you:

  • See exactly where you’ll sit with our beautiful interactive maps for over 3,000 venues
  • Get the best bang-for-your-buck with Deal Score™, our rating system that tells you which tickets give you the best experience for the least money
  • Find out when your favorite bands announce shows by tracking performers on SeatGeek
  • Get event recommendations tailored to your personal tastes
  • Search for tickets on your phone with our native iOS and Android apps

For SeatGeek Users

If you are a SeatGeek user, you will have the same experience today that you had yesterday. As time goes on, we’ll be able to use FanSnap’s data and technology to improve the experience for everyone. In the meantime, you won’t notice any changes.

What’s Next

Lest you worry, nobody over here is resting on laurels. We’ve got some huge stuff in store for you in 2014, all aimed at making it simpler, cheaper, and more fun to discover events and buy tickets. Stay tuned.