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Successful Android App Development at a Small Scale

Here at SeatGeek, we recently launched version 2.0 of our Android app, a major update to the version we launched a little over a year ago. The new release includes features such as authentication with your SeatGeek account, the ability to track performers and events, and notifications for deals or newly announced events. It also includes a major face lift from version 1.0 to offer a cleaner and more refined UI that is more consistent with the experience we target here. The most impressive thing about this release, however, was that it was executed almost entirely by a team of two engineers, with one of them only focused on Android about 50% of the time. This is only possible because of the things that SeatGeek has that I believe you need to build a successful Android application at a small scale.

Choosing the Right Tools

We use a number of tools on a daily basis to build the SeatGeek app. A non-exhaustive list looks something like this:

Git, Github, Jenkins CI, Gradle, Android Studio, Crashlytics, Google Analytics, Dagger, RxJava, Retrofit, Otto, Picasso, Mockito, JUnit, Roboelectric, Spoon, Hackpad, and Mao Mak Mak (our internal kanban board, built on top of Github issues)

We know we’re not the only ones using these tools, but we know that our use of them allows us to iterate faster and avoid common errors that come with application development. Developer productivity, sanity, and satisfaction almost always take priority as we’re building out new features in the application. We are very proactive about accepting new tools as part of our workflow; if we can prove that there’s a productivity increase, that’s usually enough for us.

We’re buyers on RxJava. Netflix’s port of .NET’s Reactive Extensions has simplified and enhanced many parts of our app. We started with porting our networking-layer code over to RxJava with Retrofit during the 2.0 release, and we’re very close to having all of our network requests served through it. The powerful composition tools and high-level stream manipulations have made producing some of the most complex views in our app much more concise by reducing state management and simplifying the data paths. RxJava may not solve all of Android’s complexities with concurrency, but it’s the best tool we’ve used yet.

We’re also fans of Dagger. Square’s lightweight dependency injector made DI a viable pattern to use in Android apps by reducing the runtime overhead seen in other injectors. We love Dagger because it makes getting all the useful classes you need into your Activities, Fragments, and Views incredibly easy. As an added bonus, by following the patterns promoted by DI, our application’s components are more decoupled and easier to test. The latter point has been instrumental in helping us with our growing test suite for the application.

Hiring The Right Team

I don’t think this is a particularly insightful point, but it is the most important. In order to do anything successfully at at any scale you need a team of people capable of executing on a shared vision. At SeatGeek, we focus on hiring a team of product-minded engineers that are capable of wearing multiple hats. Our Android Lead, Dallas, is just as comfortable in Photoshop as Android Studio, and there’s a reason for that. In order to build an application experience that users are going to find delightful and exciting, you need a particular type of engineer that is conscious of the UX of the things that they are building and is willing to be autonomous in polishing it. Dallas is often relied upon to drive product and design decisions around the Android app, and he has the skill set to do it.

Dallas is not a one man show, though. We have our in-house designers that work closely with the Android team to iterate on features and help provide structure to the design process. Over the course of the 2.0 release, the design team collaborated with the Android team to build a Style Guide that can be reused throughout the application. With our Style Guide in hand, Dallas and I can make safe assumptions about our design decisions without running risk of violating over-arching design principles in the application. Our Style Guide draws heavily from the Android platform’s Style Guide and it helps that our chief mobile designer, Mladen, is as in love with Material Design as we are.

Finally, we have a product development team that’s committed to producing not just a quality product, but a quality Android product. To SeatGeek, that means staying true to the Android platform’s design guidelines; monitoring our application’s performance in terms of network usage, battery drain, and error rates; and targeting Android devices running Ice Cream Sandwich and higher. We understand that there may be Android users still running a version <4.0 of the OS, but we care much more about developer sanity and productivity than potential user base – plus, SeatGeek is killing it with users running Android 4.4.

Being Whimsical

If you spend any time around our Android team, you may hear the word “whimsy.” You may even hear it a few times. Alright, you’ll probably hear it a lot. “Whimsy” is our descriptor for what most people would call “delightful design details.” We love whimsy around here, because we believe that those little details are part of what keep our users coming back. Also, they’re fun to build.

One of our favorites is the empty state indicator in our My Performers section of the app. When an authenticated user visits this screen, usually they’ll see all the performers they’ve tracked for event updates and notifications. But if the user is new, they may not have any performers to show yet. Since people love their favorite performers, we knew that a heart was the perfect icon to display here. The problem is, a static heart icon lacks “whimsy” (and life). To correct this and make our heart more lifelike, we decided to make it beat:

In making the heart beat, we probably could have used a simple, repeating scale up-scale down animation. We decided to be a little more accurate than that. We wanted to model a real heart beating, so we dusted off our old anatomy textbooks and studied the T-wave produced by an ECG machine. We plotted out one full period of the wave and extracted mostly-accurate timings for each phase of the wave (for a mathematical breakdown of the ECG Fourier series, this is a good start). We popped these timings into our code and the result did not disappoint. It’s the little details like a heart beating that we strive to get right to take our app to the next level.

Final Thoughts

We believe we have all the right pieces for building a successful Android app at a small scale here at SeatGeek. We have great tools, the foundation of an incredible team, and our app is packed full of “whimsy.” If you’re working on a small Android development team and you’re looking to improve your process, look no further than investing in your tools, improving developer sanity, and evaluating your team’s commitment to building a product your users will love. Your developers will thank you, and your users will follow–whimsically.

Oh and by the way, if any of this interests you, we’re hiring.

Building Out the SeatGeek Data Pipeline

Having a lot of data can be both a blessing and a curse. It’s wonderful to have data, but managing it well can be a headache. Here at SeatGeek, our data come from a variety of sources in a variety of formats, and these aren’t always accessible or easily analyzed in their original form. On a daily basis, we use ElasticSearch, MySQL, Redis, and S3 to handle and store major parts of our data. We have a lot of internal services that process and output data in different ways, and we also rely on external data sources like Google Analytics and various partner APIs.

The problem: data accessibility

Many of the wider-scale business questions we’re interested in require that we look across all this data at the same time, which can be painful to do when these data sources aren’t smoothly integrated. In the past couple of months we started attacking this data underutilization problem in earnest by investing a good bit of time in building out our data architecture with a shiny new pipeline and data warehouse.

Some backstory for this: we use MySQL as our main production datastore, and up until our revamp this datastore supported most of our analysis as well (ouch). Expectedly, we faced a host of recurring issues that paved the path for us to finally pull the trigger on this project. All these problems could be grouped under a common data accessibility theme, in a couple of different ways:

  1. The data isn’t there
    • Most of our important data is in MySQL of course, but we have a lot of goodies in ElasticSearch, S3, etc. that for all analytics intents and purposes were gathering dust. A great example is Sixpack, our Redis-backed A/B testing framework
  2. The data is there but isn’t formatted well
    • Data formatted to be easy for the app to process but is awkward to analyze (EX: key-value blobs), data baggage - legacy naming conventions that no longer make sense, etc.
  3. The data is there but isn’t organized well
    • Separate tables that should be one, huge tables that we can’t feasibly use because MySQL isn’t optimized for analytical queries
  4. The data is too accessible! (We just can’t win)
    • When interns are running queries against the production DB1, it’s time to make a few changes…

The solution: Looker, Redshift, and Luigi

Looker: Looker is a BI service that hooks on top of your datastore with its own data-modeling language to provide a nifty frontend layer to the data. We actually were interested in using Looker way before we started revamping our data stack, but when the first complex query we tried in MySQL took 20 minutes to return, it was essentially the last straw.

Most of our crew here is pretty SQL-savvy, but when many queries are being run daily to return summary stats, it’s useful to have those results automatically pop up in a digestible and visually pleasing way. Additionally, some of those queries contain complex business calculations, and when needing answer one-off questions or investigate a certain window of time, it’s handy to have that all consistently defined and saved. As an example of the neat visual insight a Look can provide, here’s a map of clicks on Super Bowl tickets since the end of the championship games showing the localization due to team and venue: Look

Redshift: Redshift is Amazon’s cloud-based analytical datastore, a columnar datastore based on PostgreSQL. A main benefit of columnar datastores is that column-stored data is far more optimized for the ‘many rows, few columns’ summary queries that analysts are interested in running than is row-stored data (the 20-minute query above took maybe half a minute in Redshift).

Why Redshift in particular? The choice was simple as we already use many of Amazon’s services, and Redshift is straightforward to set up and scale. Some of our own data services already write directly to S3, and it’s extremely easy to load data into Redshift from S3. We can also easily loop EMR, Amazon’s map reduce service, into our data pipeline.

A lot of best practices are well documented in Amazon’s Redshift user manual, so you can easily get up and running with settings already tuned for query speed. For instance, distribution keys collocate tables that are commonly joined together; sort keys identify columns that tables are most often ordered by. Admittedly, a lot of these options are simple, and Redshift lacks a lot of PostgreSQL features that allow for more advanced customization and data processing. Fortunately, we’ve been able to work around this using Luigi.

Luigi: Luigi is an open source Python framework created by Spotify for managing data processing jobs. One thing Luigi is really great at is dependency management, which makes it a perfect tool for coalescing together data sources that depend on each other. As stated in its docs, Luigi does not manage time scheduling for tasks. We use our own cron-like service for kicking off a single Luigi task that encapsulates the entire ETL process every night. The dependency chain automatically schedules every incomplete task under that ETL process. This works great for scheduling tasks with simple hierarchies: Sixpack graph

But it also works just as well for tasks with more gnarly dependencies: Actions graph

We’re happy with some of the basic patterns for ETL tasks we’ve settled on. We wrote our own ETL base classes on top of Luigi’s Task and Target objects that we subclass and customize for our various data sources, as well as helper tasks and targets for working within Redshift and S3. The data-loading method that we’re sticking with currently is to have transformed data written to S3 files and then loaded directly into Redshift tables using Redshift’s manifest files and COPY command. This makes it easy to standardize the data loading process across different sources since most of the customized logic will be written in the extraction / transformation steps. (Side note: for our MySQL data we do things slightly differently; we load the tables exactly as they are into Redshift first before applying any transformations in order to minimize contact with production data).

Luigi’s flexibility makes it easy to fill in the gaps caused by Redshift’s lack of SQL feature parity with PostgreSQL, as well as extend the data pipeline beyond just ETL tasks. As a simple example, it’s common to create something like a date dimension table using a stored SQL procedure, which Redshift doesn’t support. It’s easy to code that date logic in Python though, and encapsulate it within a Luigi task. In this case, rather than extracting from a remote datastore, we just “extract” dates from the calendar and “transform” them into dictionary elements. We can use a (very) simple generator to create these rows:

def date_row_generator(self, start_year, end_year):
    for year in range(self.start_year, self.end_year + 1):
        for month in range(1, 13):
            monthcal = cal.monthcalendar(year, month)
            _, last_day_in_month = cal.monthrange(year, month)
            for week in monthcal:
                for day_of_week, day in enumerate(week):
                    if day == 0:
                    row = {
                        'id': get_joined_int_id(year, month, day),
                        'year': year,
                        'month': month,
                        'day': day,
                        'day_of_week': day_of_week + 1,
                        'is_last_day_in_month': int(day == last_day_in_month)}
                    yield row

Then it gets fun! ExtractDateTable inherits “output” from BaseExtractor, which has an abstraction allowing us to write to an atomic manifest of CSV files on S3, ready for loading into a Redshift table.

class ExtractDateTable(BaseExtractor):
    start_year = luigi.Parameter()
    end_year = luigi.Parameter()

    def run(self):
        with self.output().open('w') as outfile:
            out = csv.DictWriter(
            for row in date_row_generator(self.start_date, self.end_date):

Using the dependency management provided by Luigi, not only does our BaseLoader know to wait for success of the “Extract” task, but it also knows that the output of ExtractDateTable is the appropriate file to COPY to the data warehouse and that all files can be deleted from S3 as soon as they arrive in Redshift.

class LoadDateTable(BaseLoader):
    schema = 'public'
    table = 'dim_date'
    start_year = luigi.Parameter()
    end_year = luigi.Parameter()

    def requires(self):
        return ExtractDateTable(start_year=self.start_year,

This might seem a bit heavyweight for a static table, but with a few key abstractions, creating a new table in our data warehouse has become as simple as writing a Python2 script that outputs a CSV file. Some of this Luigi monkey patching was borne out of necessity, but we actually prefer doing it this way now because it bestows some great benefits. We find it makes it easier to triage data issues when all our data transformations are recorded in a single location and version-controlled, and very powerful to be able to transform our data in any way that’s expressible in Python. Data science at SeatGeek has long involved writing Python scripts that output large CSV files. Having the ability to plug them into a lightning-fast database and an interactive visualization tool? We love it.

‘Looking’ ahead

Since we’re just getting up and running with Looker now, we haven’t been able to play around and explore it fully just yet, but there is definitely more to come. With our basic infrastructure set up though, we’re excited to dig in deeper with our new tools and flesh out our data architecture even further over the next couple of months. If you’re interested in being a part of the journey, we’re hiring data scientists and more!

1. Well, not production, but running against slave we occasionally broke replication.

2. Luigi is agnostic to how the CSVs arrive at their location through its support of ExternalTasks and FileSystemTargets, but in practice we mostly use Python. Python is great.

React Infinite: A Browser-ready Efficient Scrolling Container Based on UITableView

A browser-ready efficient scrolling container based on UITableView

We’re growing more every day, adding new brokers to our comprehensive list of ticket sources, and expanding our list of event tickets. With this, and our continuing focus on cross-event search, we’re showing more ticket listings to more people than ever before.

The default DOM scrolling implementation is, unfortunately, inefficient. Tens of thousands of DOM nodes that are out of the view of the user are left in the DOM. For cross-event comparisons in particular, this quickly makes the performance of our ticket listings unacceptable.

React Infinite solves this with an approach popularized by iOS’s UITableView. Only DOM nodes that are in view or about to come into view are rendered in full. This makes scrolling performance constant throughout the length of the entire list regardless of the number of items added.

We’re using React Infinite in production on our event map pages right now; because we only have pages for events in the future, a link would not be appropriate. To see one, head to one of our team pages for the New York Giants, or the New York Mets, or the New York Knicks, and click on the green button for an event to see them in action in the Omnibox.

To get you started, here is an example that implements an infinite scrolling list with a simulated loading delay of 2.5 seconds:

And the code to do it:

var ListItem = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return <div className="infinite-list-item">
        List Item {this.props.key}

var InfiniteList = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return {
            elements: this.buildElements(0, 20),
            isInfiniteLoading: false

    buildElements: function(start, end) {
        var elements = [];
        for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
            elements.push(<ListItem key={i}/>)
        return elements;

    handleInfiniteLoad: function() {
        var that = this;
            isInfiniteLoading: true
        setTimeout(function() {
            var elemLength = that.state.elements.length,
                newElements = that.buildElements(elemLength, elemLength + 1000);
                isInfiniteLoading: false,
                elements: that.state.elements.concat(newElements)
        }, 2500);

    elementInfiniteLoad: function() {
        return <div className="infinite-list-item">

    render: function() {
        return <Infinite elementHeight={40}


For the complete documentation, head over to the Github repo, or download it on NPM with npm install react-infinite or Bower with bower install react-infinite. We hope you’ll be able to use React Infinite in creating a better, faster, and smoother web.

The Next Five Years

We started SeatGeek nearly five years ago with the goal of helping people enjoy more live entertainment by building great software.

Our goal hasn’t changed, but its scope has. We’ve gone from a team of two to a team of forty. From the desktop web to iOS, Android and mobile web. And from a handful of active users (hi Mom!) to millions.

We think we’re onto something big. And we’ve decided to partner with some exceptional folks to get SeatGeek moving even faster. This past week we closed a $35M Series B round led by Accel Partners, alongside Causeway Media Partners, Mousse Partners, and a number of other great investors (full list here).

From going hoarse screaming for your favorite team, to dancing along with your favorite band, live entertainment is a deeply personal, aesthetic experience. We think the software that enables those moments should be too. We are a technology company. Everyone at SeatGeek is driven to create something elegant, intuitive and useful. This financing gives us one of the tools we need to do that more quickly and for more people than ever before.

The last five years have been a blast. The next five will be even better. We’re going to remain focused on building amazing software that helps people have fun. And we’re excited to partner with Accel and others to help us make it happen.

High Performance Map Interactions Using HTML5 Canvas

Before and after

Last week, you may have noticed that we released a facelift for our interactive maps. Our Deal Score markers have finally been brought up to 2014 design standards to match the Omnibox. However, what may not be as apparent is that our maps are now between 10 and 100 times faster, depending on the device.


This blog post from March gives a good overview of how our maps used to work. Our maps consisted of three different layers: an image tile layer, an SVG layer, and a Leaflet marker layer.

Old style

This is how our map used to look. The actual stadium is an image tile, the blue section outline is an SVG layer, and the green dot is a Leaflet marker, an HTML element containing an image. There are a couple drawbacks to this approach…


While Leaflet markers work well for maps with a small number of markers, we were pushing the limits how many markers could be drawn on the map. At a row-level zoom, we can have thousands of markers on the screen at a given time. Since each marker is an individual DOM element, the browser must move around thousands of DOM elements at the same time when panning and zooming. This meant slow performance on even the fastest of computers and even worse performance on mobile.

Code Complexity

With the addition of section and row shape interactions, our code became incredibly complex. We were listening to mouse events coming from the tile layer, the SVG layer, and the marker layer. This resulted in a mess of code trying to handle every corner case, e.g. we receive a mouseout event from a marker and a mouseover event from the SVG layer.

Marker Clustering

A common way to handle large numbers of markers is to use clustering, such as the Leaflet markercluster plugin.

Marker Cluster

This is an effective way to reduce the number of DOM elements on screen. Unfortunately, clustering like this does not work for our use case. In our maps, the markers need to be specific to either a row or a section. Marker clusters, which are based only on marker positions, could result in some unintuitive ticket groupings, e.g. a VIP box and the front row of an upper level section. Therefore, we needed to come up with a solution that would maintain the section and row level detail views, while achieving the same performance as marker clusters.

HTML5 Canvas

A few months ago, we made the decision to drop support of Internet Explorer 8. In addition to making every engineer here very happy, this also opened up the possibility of using canvas for our map markers, something we have been looking forward to for a long time.

The HTML5 canvas element is basically a low-level drawing region. It supports basic drawing operations, but does not have the concept of a scene graph or event handling for anything drawn to it. Most importantly for us, modern browsers are incredibly fast at drawing to canvas elements, often using hardware acceleration.

Canvas Tiles

Our plan was to move from using SVG section outlines and Leaflet markers to using tiled canvas elements. This means that instead of forcing the browser to move thousands of DOM elements when panning and zooming the map, we can draw the markers to the canvas tiles once per zoom level and move the canvas tiles themselves around. Browsers are much better at moving 16 elements around on the screen than 2,000.

Here is what the canvas tiles look like (with debugging on) at our lowest zoom level:

Canvas Debugging

And at our highest zoom level:

Canvas Debugging Zoomed

This is by no means a new idea. Leaflet itself supports basic canvas tiling and some cool things have been done with it. However, using canvas tiles for our purposes presents some very interesting challenges.

Hit Testing

By consolidating the SVG and marker layers into a single canvas tile layer, we were able to greatly consolidate our mouse interaction code. The bounding boxes of the section and row shapes as well as the markers were put into our favorite spatial data structure, the R-Tree, for fast lookup. As markers sometimes extend past the edge of the shape they are in, we first check for marker intersect and then fall back to shape intersect.


In order to maintain a high frame rate, we need to make the drawing step as fast as possible. Every time Leaflet requests a tile to be drawn, we calculate the bounding box it covers on the map. Then, we look up what markers fall within that bounding box plus a small buffer, to avoid markers right next to the edge of a tile being clipped. We then iterate through the markers and draw them to the tile. We perform a similar process for drawing hovered and selected shape outlines.

Tile Redrawing

There are a couple of events that cause tiles to need to be drawn or redrawn. On zoom, a new set of canvas tiles are requested and drawn at the correct scale. When a shape is hovered or selected, we also must redraw the tile or tiles that contain it. In order to minimize the number of tiles redrawn, we keep track of a redraw bounding box. Between each redraw, we update the redraw bounding box to contain the shapes that need to be drawn or cleared. Then, when the redraw function gets called, we draw only the tiles that contain the redraw bounding box. Now, we could clear and redraw only parts of each tile, but it turned out we got the performance we were looking for without introducing the extra code complexity of sub-tile redrawing.

Here you can see how the canvas tiles are redrawn. Each redraw colors the updated tiles the same color.

Canvas Redraw

And on mobile.

Canvas Redraw Mobile

Buffered Marker Drawing

All was going great until we decided the markers needed a slight drop shadow to help visually separate them from the underlying map. Drawing drop shadows in canvas is notoriously slow. However, drawing images or other canvas elements to a canvas element is quite fast. Therefore, while we are waiting for our tickets to load, we create small canvas elements for every marker color (and at two different sizes, since we enlarge the marker on hover). Then, when we need to draw the markers in the canvas tiles, we can pull from these buffered marker canvases. This way, we only incur the cost of shadow blur once and use the comparatively fast drawImage when performance counts.



As the markers are now procedurally drawn, we can now change their styling whenever we want to. Even the legend is a canvas element that correctly spaces the markers if we change their sizes.

Legend canvas

Code Complexity

By switching to canvas markers we were able to greatly reduce the complexity of our event handling code. Probably the best thing to ever see in a GitHub pull request, an overall code decrease.

GitHub Diff


The Chrome timeline pretty much sums up the staggering performance increase.

Old map.

Old Performance

New map.

New Performance

As you can see, the main performance gain comes from greatly reducing the browser rendering time (purple). Across all devices, the maps now stay comfortably over 60fps, inertial panning works smoothly, and our mobile site is considerably more usable.

If this type of stuff gets you excited, we are always looking for engineers. Come join us!

A Lightweight iOS Image Cache

A flexible image caching library for image rich iOS applications

Our iOS app is image rich. To create appealing views we rely heavily on performer images, all of which must first be fetched from a remote server. If each image needed to be fetched from the server again every time you opened the app, the experience wouldn’t be great, so local caching of remote images is a must.

Version 1 - Ask for an image, get it from disk

Our first image cache was simple but effective. For each image view we’d ask for an image from cache, using its remote URL as the cache key. If it was available in the local disk cache a UIImage would be created from the file on disk, and returned immediately. If it wasn’t found on disk it would be fetched async from the remote URL, cached to disk, then a new UIImage returned.

For our purposes at the time this was perfectly adequate. But it had one point of unnecessary weakness: each cache request required the image to be loaded again from disk, which comes with the performance cost of disk access and image data decoding.

Version 2 - Memory caching

Thankfully Apple’s UIImage has a built in memory cache. So by changing a single line of code our image cache could go from being a disk only cache to a disk and memory cache.

When you ask UIImage for an image via imageNamed: it first checks its own memory cache to see if the image has been loaded recently. If so, you get a new UIImage at zero cost. So instead of something like this:

return [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[self absolutePathForURL:url]];

We could get memory caching for free, simply by doing this:

return [UIImage imageNamed:[self relativePathForURL:url]];

UIImage will search its memory cache and, if found, return the image at no cost. If it isn’t in the memory cache it will be loaded from disk, with the usual performance penalty.

Version 3 - Fetch queues, prefetching, and variable urgency

As the design of our app evolved we became increasingly image greedy, wanting to show richer, larger images, and more of them.

Getting these larger images on screen as quickly as possible is critical to the experience, and simply asking the cache for each image at display time wasn’t going to cut it. Larger images take longer to load over the network, and asking for too many at once will result in none of them loading until it’s too late. Careful consideration of when the image cache is checked and when images are fetched from remote was needed. We wanted precaching and fetch queues.

fastQueue and slowQueue

We settled on two queues, one serial and one parallel. Images that are required on screen urgently go into the parallel queue (fastQueue), and images that we’ll probably need later go into the serial queue (slowQueue).

In terms of a UITableView implementation, this means that a table cell appearing on screen asks for its image from fastQueue, and every off screen row’s image is prefetched by adding it to slowQueue.

We’ll need it later

Assuming we request a page of 30 new events from the server, once those results arrive we can queue up prefetching for each of their images.

- (void)pageLoaded:(NSArray *)newEvents {
    for (SGEvent *event in newEvents) {
        [SGImageCache slowGetImageForURL:event.imageURL thenDo:nil];

The slowGetImageForURL: method adds the image fetch to slowQueue, allowing them to be fetched one by one, without bogging down the network.

The thenDo: completion block is empty in this case because we don’t need to do anything with the image yet. All we want is to make sure it’s in the local disk cache, ready for immediate use once its table cell scrolls onto screen.

We need it now

Cells that are appearing on screen want their images immediately. So in the table cell subclass:

- (void)setEvent:(SGEvent *)event {
    __weak SGEventCell *me = self;
    [SGImageCache getImageForURL:event.imageURL thenDo:^(UIImage *image) {
        me.imageView.image = image;

The getImageForURL: method adds the image fetch to fastQueue, which means it will be done in parallel, as soon as iOS allows. If the image was already in slowQueue it will be moved to fastQueue, to avoid wasteful duplicate requests.

Always async

But wait, isn’t getImageForURL: an async method? If you know the image is already in cache, don’t you want to use it immediately, on the main thread? Turns out the intuitive answer to that is wrong.

Loading images from disk is expensive, and so is image decompression. Table cells are configured and added while the user is scrolling the table, and the last thing you want to do while scrolling is risk blocking the main thread. Stutters will happen.

Using getImageForURL: takes the disk loading off the main thread, so that when the thenDo: block fires it has a UIImage instance all ready to go, without risk of scroll stutters. If the image was already in the local cache then the completion block will fire on the next run cycle, and the user won’t notice the difference. What they will notice is that scrolling didn’t stutter.

Thought we needed it but now we don’t

If the user scrolls quickly down a table, tens or hundreds of cells will appear on screen, ask for an image from fastQueue, then disappear off screen. Suddenly the parallel queue is flooding the network with requests for images that are no longer needed. When the user finally stops scrolling, the cells that settle into view will have their image requests backed up behind tens of other non urgent requests and the network will be choked. The user will be staring at a screen full of placeholders while the cache diligently fetches a backlog of images that no one is looking at.

This is where moveTaskToSlowQueueForURL: comes in.

// a table cell is going off screen
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)table
        didEndDisplayingCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell
        forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath*)indexPath {

    // we don't need it right now, so move it to the slow queue         
    [SGImageCache moveTaskToSlowQueueForURL:[[(id)cell event] imageURL]];

This ensures that the only fetch tasks on fastQueue are ones that genuinely need to be fast. Anything that was urgent but now isn’t gets moved to slowQueue.

Priorities and Options

There are already quite a few iOS image cache libraries out there. Some of them are highly technical and many of them offer a range of flexible features. Ours is neither highly technical nor does it have many features. For our uses we had three basic priorities:

Priority 1: The best possible frame rate

Many libraries focus heavily on this, with some employing highly custom and complex approaches, though benchmarks don’t show conclusively that the efforts have paid off. We’ve found that getting the best frame rates is all about:

  1. Moving disk access (and almost everything else) off the main thread.
  2. Using UIImage’s memory cache to avoid unnecessary disk access and decompression.

Priority 2: Getting the most vital images on screen first

Most libraries consider queue management to be someone else’s concern. For our app it’s almost the most important detail.

Getting the right images on screen at the right time boils down to a simple question: “Do I need it now or later?” Images that are needed right now get loaded in parallel, and everything else is added to the serial queue. Anything that was urgent but now isn’t gets shunted from fastQueue to slowQueue. And while fastQueue is active, slowQueue is suspended.

This gives urgently required images exclusive access to the network, while also ensuring that when a non urgent image later becomes urgently needed, it’s already in the cache, ready to go.

Priority 3: An API that’s as simple as possible

Most libraries get this right. Many provide UIImageView categories for hiding away the gritty details, and most make the process of fetching an image as painless as possible. For our library we settled on three main methods, for the three things we’re regularly doing:

Get an image urgently
__weak SGEventCell *me = self;
[SGImageCache getImageForURL:event.imageURL thenDo:^(UIImage *image) {
    me.imageView.image = image;
Queue a fetch for an image that we’ll need later
[SGImageCache slowGetImageForURL:event.imageURL thenDo:nil];
Inform the cache that an urgent image fetch is no longer urgent
[SGImageCache moveTaskToSlowQueueForURL:event.imageURL];


By focusing on prefetching, queue management, moving expensive tasks off the main thread, and relying on UIImage’s built in memory cache, we’ve managed to get great results in a simple package.

An iOS SDK for the SeatGeek Web Service

seatgeek open sourced seatgeek/SGAPI
The SG Api SDK for iOS

The SeatGeek Platform provides a web service for our massive database of live events, venues, and performers. If you want to build live event information into your app or website the SeatGeek Platform is the best way to do it. Until now, if you wanted to use it in an iOS app you had to handle all of the awkward network requests and response processing yourself. With today’s release we’ve made that a whole lot easier.

Since the first release of our iOS app we’ve been gradually evolving a handful of libraries to manage communicating with our API, progressively abstracting away the messy details so we can focus on writing features. Today’s CocoaPod release is that code, in the same form as we use it ourselves. The first line in our app’s Podfile is:

pod 'SGAPI'

Fetching and Inspecting Results

The SeatGeek Platform is all about events, venues, and performers, so the same is true of the iOS SDK. Individual result items are encapsulated in SGEvent, SGVenue, and SGPerformer objects, and query result sets are fetched with SGEventSet, SGVenueSet, and SGPerformerSet objects.


// find all 'new york mets' events
SGEventSet *events = SGEventSet.eventsSet; = @"new york mets";

events.onPageLoaded = ^(NSOrderedSet *results) {
    for (SGEvent *event in results) {
        NSLog(@"event: %@", event.title);

[events fetchNextPage];


// find all 'new york mets' events
let events = SGEventSet.eventsSet() = "new york mets"

events.onPageLoaded = { results in
    for i in 0..<results.count {
        let event = results.objectAtIndex(i) as SGEvent
        NSLog("%@", event.title())



New York Mets at San Diego Padres
New York Mets at Seattle Mariners
... etc

Query Building

SGAPI uses SGQuery to build all its URLs. If you’d prefer to use your own data models or HTTP request classes and just want a tidy way to build API queries, then SGQuery is what you’re looking for.


SGQuery *query = SGQuery.eventsQuery;
[query addFilter:@"" value:@"sports"]; = @"new york";

NSLog(@"%@", query.URL);


let query = SGQuery.eventsQuery()
query.addFilter("", value: "sports") = "new york"

NSLog("%@", query.URL())


Additionally, every item set (SGEventSet etc) has a query property which you can modify directly to add filters and parameters, change perPage and page values, etc.


See the documentation on GitHub and CocoaDocs for more details. If anything doesn’t make sense or could be improved, let us know. We’ll be evolving the SDK over time, and are looking forward to seeing how you make use of it!

Improving the Search-by-price Experience

A slider for React

A few months ago we launched the Omnibox, a single reconfigurable ticket-buying interface that replaced our old static listings and a thicket of popup windows. The Omnibox is written entirely in React, Facebook’s new user interface framework, and in doing this we had to come up with our own solutions to user interface elements and innovate where we could.

One of the products of our work on the Omnibox was a price slider component, which allows users to filter tickets by price: Price filter example

But for an event with large price ranges - the Super Bowl, for example - a simple linear slider would be unwieldy. Tickets are likely sparsely populated across the full domain of prices and, more importantly, users are far more interested in lower-priced tickets than the exorbitantly priced ones.

We solved this problem with two features of the slider: firstly, the upper limit of the price slider was truncated to the 90th percentile of ticket prices, and only dragging the slider handle to its right end will reveal all tickets greater than that price:

Price slider dragged to the right shows tickets exist above that price

Secondly, the slider’s scale is no longer assumed to be linear. The implementation currently deployed on the SeatGeek site positions the slider on the horizontal axis using the square root function, making lower prices take up more space than the less-desirable higher-priced tickets.

Non-linear price slider demonstration

Today we’re happy to open source this two-handled slider implementation written in React; it has no dependencies other than React itself.

Open Sourcing Our Admin Panel

The first version of the SeatGeek Dev Challenge. Crack open the beers.

In a land before time, SeatGeek created an extremely hackable admin panel. Its primary purpose was to stir the curiosity of developers who might be looking for a new job. You can read more about it in this previous post.

While the response over the years to the dev challenge was great, we retired the dev challenge over a year ago. Please stop trying to hack into our backend! (If you do happen to be hacking our website, we’d appreciate a heads-up on any vulnerabilities you find at Responsible disclosure and whatnot.

In order to cater to the curious, I took the opportunity to open source the dev challenge. It’s a small Sinatra app that you can run locally and hack to your heart’s content.

A few notes about the panel:

  • Configuration is done using environment variables with a few sane defaults.
  • You’ll need a local SMTP server to send email notifications of new applicants. We used postfix at the time, but you can use whatever you’d like.
  • Applicant resumes are stored on disk. Yes, we know, there are probably better ways than what we did, but since the box was in a DMZ, it was probably okay. Not like we weren’t trying to have you hack us anyhow.
  • Ruby 1.9.3 is what we used to deploy—actually 1.9.1 at the time, but it works with 1.9.3—but no guarantees that it will work with a newer Ruby. Pull requests welcome!

We’d like to thank all the thousands of developers who have hacked our backend over the years. Don’t worry, we’ll have a new challenge soon.

In the meantime, we’re still hiring engineers.

Spatial Data Structures for Better Map Interactions

Last week we launched a feature that even the most die-hard SeatGeek fans probably didn’t notice. However, we think that this feature makes a huge difference in usability and overall user experience, even if only at a subconscious level. You can now interact with the section and row shapes themselves, rather than just section/row markers.

For anyone not familar with our maps, here is an example of what one looks like:

Map example

Each of those markers represents a ticket or a group of tickets in that section. Until recently, all of the map interactions revolved around those markers. In order to find out more about the tickets in a section or row, the user would have to hover or click on the marker itself.

Fitts’s Law

One major concept in human-computer interaction is Fitts’s Law. Fitts’s law models the time it takes for a user to move a pointing device (e.g. cursor) over an object. In order to decrease the time to select an object, one can do one of two things: decrease the distance between the cursor and the object, or increase the size of the object. On SeatGeek’s maps we are constrained by the layout of venues, so our only option is to increase the marker size.

The natural way to increase the target area of a marker is to expand it to the shape of its section. However, it turns out this isn’t straightforward.

How Our Map Pages Work

First, a little background on how our map pages work. We use an excellent library, Leaflet, as the foundation for our interactive maps. The maps themselves start out as vector files. These are then rasterized into a bunch of tiles, such as this:

Example of a tile

Leaflet handles the logic for mouse interactions and displaying the correct tiles depending on the current view. The markers are a custom Leaflet layer (for performance reasons, but that is a whole other blog post). Then, we overlay a vector path as an SVG layer when a marker is either hovered or clicked.

SVG Highlighting

First Attempt at Section Interaction

A while back, when we first implemented our current style of maps, we considered adding polygon interaction instead of just using the markers. Given that we had the SVG paths of all of the shapes for the highlighting purposes, we decided to add all of these SVG elements to the map so that we could use the built-in event handling that browsers provide.

Unfortunately, that resulted in terrible performance on the map page. At the row level, we can have as many as a few thousand SVG elements being drawn at the same time. Combine that with all the markers we have to draw, and the map grinds to a halt. We decided to shelve the section interaction and move on to other features.

A Renewed Attempt

With the launch of our new map design, called the Omnibox, click and hover interactions became much more central to the interface.

The breakthrough was realizing that we could implement our own logic for hit-testing, or checking if a given mouse position is inside of a polygon. This means we didn’t have to add any additional elements to the DOM (like we did before with the SVG elements).

The naive approach would be to iterate through every polygon and check if the mouse is inside it using the ray casting algorithm.

However, we can do even better. By using a spatial data structure, such as an R-Tree, we can reduce the lookup complexity from linear to logarithmic. Below is an example of a 2D R-Tree. Imagine that the lowest level of the tree contains references to the actual polygons. Each node in the tree represents a bounding box that is the union of all the children below it in the tree.

R-Tree Example

Luckily enough, we were able to find a leaflet-compatible implementation of an R-Tree by Calvin Metcalf. Basically our use of it looks like this:

  1. On page load, convert all of the SVG shapes to geoJSON and insert into the R-Tree.
  2. On mouse events, transform the mouse position to the map coordinate system and make a throttled call to our intersection testing function.
  3. Call a search on the R-Tree with the transformed position of the mouse.
  4. The R-Tree will return a list of all the leaves (shapes) whose bounding boxes had been intersected.
  5. Iterate through the shapes and perform the ray casting algorithm to check for intersection.
  6. Return the intersected shape.


The user can now hover over any point in the polygon, instead of just the marker! It works on sections:

And it works on rows:

Most importantly, all of this works without any impact on performance.